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Airport medical services


Airport Doctors

At the airport we have a initial health care services both for basic symptoms and for emergencies within the air terminal. This service can be used by passengers, visitors, crew members, operators and airport officials. 

Air transportation of sick or surgical passengers:

Airlines can transport people with obvious signs of illness or people who have had surgeries, only if they present a medical certificate of fitness for air travel. Based on this certificate and prior medical verification, Airport Medical Services may certify the passenger to the airline.

Vaccination certificate:

Every traveler who is going to leave the country to destinations such as Costa Rica, Panama and Brazil must have the International Yellow Fever Certificate.

This vaccine must be applied at least 10 days before the flight. The national vaccination card is not valid for leaving the country; This must be endorsed on the international vaccination card, at the respective health entity or at the Secretary of Health corresponding to your location.

Airport Medical Services does not administer vaccines or issue vaccination cards. This service may be provided by the traveler's respective health entity.

Medical certificate of fitness for air travel:

It must be issued by the treating doctor a maximum of 12 hours before the flight, taking into account the route to be taken, the type of aircraft in which you will travel (pressurized or not) and the duration of the flight.

The certificate must specify: name of the traveler, traveler identification number, age of the traveler, sex of the traveler, medical history of the traveler, diagnosis of the traveler, summary of current illness, treatment received and medical management, route and duration of the flight, specify that There are no contraindications for traveling by plane, whether or not you require a companion or specify if you are traveling with a doctor, paramedic, family member or alone. Also details of the treating doctor (name, telephone number, others), pre-flight medical examination.

Finally, you must obtain flight approval from the doctor on duty at Airport Medical Services to make the trip. Although traveling is safe, there are contraindications or pathologies that must be taken into account when doing so; We advise you to consult your doctor.

If you decide to travel, we recommend arriving in advance of your flight.

Pregnant women:

Women who are pregnant should not travel by air from the seventh (7) month of pregnancy, unless the trip is strictly necessary.

In this case, they must present a medical certification issued 12 hours before the flight, stating that they are fit for the trip and sign a document exonerating the airline's responsibility for any eventuality that may arise in their condition during the flight.

For more information, call
+57 +5 6931351 Ext. 2607